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When did you come to Turkey ?
The GAP Administration and the Packard Humanities Institute (PHI), a charity organization, signed a protocol in June 2000. OAU immediately stepped in to undertake overall project management within the framework of this protocol. As an OAU officer, I came here right after this protocol. 

Why OAU?
Staff at OAU are experienced in the archaeological management of large-scale infrastructure projects, archaeological assessment, environmental impact assessment and salvage archaeological work. The OAU was founded in 1973 and has since devoted much of its work to the study of Iron Age and Roman settlements in various parts of Britain. He also helped develop environmental impact measurement and evaluation techniques. Many organizations appreciate the depth of experience and services we provide to the projects they carry out.

Where else did OAU work? 
OAU worked in countries such as Ukraine, Greece, Libya, Spain (Montserrat) and Oman. Additionally, today we are involved in various projects in Ireland, Russia (Ossetia), Italy and France (Chateau de Mayenne).

What are your previous archaeological experiences?
I am a graduate of the Department of Archaeological Sciences at the University of Bradford. I gained extensive field experience in various projects. I managed and directed research excavations and large-scale recovery projects. During my 11 years at AOU, I was involved in projects such as the London Underground expansion and the Channel Rail Tunnel. Chateau DE Mayenne, which was carried out in France between 1996 and 1999 and attracted a lot of attention, a medieval castle whose parts have been closed for 800 years, 3 years before entering the AOU, archaeological and rural development, such as the rehabilitation of irrigation systems dating back to the Incas in Peru. I worked as a coordinator on projects. In France and Peru, I worked directly with local governments and experts on projects.

Can you make a comparison between the ancient Roman settlements in England and Zeugma?
Such a comparison is very difficult. There is no ancient settlement in Britain as rich as Zeugma.

Who else is in the team carrying out the work in Zeugma? ?
Approximately 200 people from Türkiye, England, France and Italy work here. Among them are excavation assistants, conservators, photographers, conservation and findings experts and surveyors.

What do you think is different or unique about Zeugma?
The quality of the mosaics found is both surprising and high enough to surpass even the famous Tunisian mosaics. In addition, since Zeugma was a Roman border city on the Euphrates, customs taxes were also collected here. To date, we have found many customs stamps (bulla) here. 70 000 stamps… It is very exciting to discover something surprising and beautiful almost every day.

Belkıs/Zeugma Ancient City is located on the banks of the Euphrates River within the borders of Belkıs Village, Nizip District, Gaziantep Province. Built on approximately 20 thousand acres of land…