Achilles' mother and father, who do not want him to participate in the Trojan War, send him to the island of Skyros, to the palace of King Lykomedes. Here, Achilles wears women's clothes and mixes with the other daughters of Lykomedes living in the palace. However, in the following days, upon the prophecies that Troy would not be taken if Achilles did not join the Troy expedition, Odysseus began to search for him. Odysseus, who knows Achilles' warrior spirit very well, goes to King Lykomedes' palace with a clever plan. He enters Lykomedes' harem disguised as a traveling salesman. He places attractive fabrics and women's items in front of the girls, as well as several weapons. While all the women in the harem are taking care of the jewelry and fabrics, Achilles, dressed in women's clothes, cannot resist and takes the sword and shield in his hands and starts using them. Odysseus' plan worked and Achilles' true identity was revealed. This moment is also depicted in the mosaic unearthed from Zeugma.

Mosaic Work
Achilles' mother and father, who do not want him to participate in the Trojan War, send him to the island of Skyros, to the palace of King Lykomedes. Here, Achilles wears women's clothes and mixes with the other daughters of Lykomedes living in the palace.