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This mosaic was unearthed in the villa in trench number 6 by a French team under the direction of French archaeologist Catherine Abadie-Reynal. The mosaic was probably part of a richly decorated house. triclinium So it was found in the dining room. This piece is of very high quality and is in near-perfect condition. The mosaic consists of three main elements. The geometric border surrounding the main panel from three sides shows the original locations of the sofas where the diners sat. In the frame, Eros fighting wild animals (lion, panther, etc.) is depicted in detail and vividly; On the other hand, wreathed male and female heads stare at them from corners and axis. Finally, the striking center panel (1.75m x 1.50m) is framed by a beautifully woven ribbon and placed facing diners seated on the west side sofas. The theme of the mosaic is a theme for the guests coming to dinner. 'topic of conversation' It must have done the job.
The picture shows 3 women and 2 young girls in front of an architectural background. Two of the women sat on a blue-green fabric sofa; They turned to each other as if chatting. In front of them is a round, three-legged table with a metal bowl on it. The third woman on the right side of the table, just away from them, solium >He sits on a high chair with a concave back. Her white hair, covered with a veil, indicates that she is older than the other two seated women. One of the young girls hands him a bowl while the other stands behind the sofa on the left side of the picture. 
text above the picture
An inscription can be seen on the women, which should be read as a single word; synaristosai,(ΣΥΝΑΡΙΣTΩΣΑΣ) well 'Those at the Breakfast Table'
This word dates back to B.C. It refers to the name of a Greek comedy written by Menander in the 4th century. Two possible differences between the mosaics immediately stand out. The first is a small panel with very elegant tesserae, kept in the National Archaeological Museum in Naples, and was unearthed in a villa in Pompeii that is assumed to have belonged to Cicero. 'wizards' It is known by the name. 
The second, made later and in a rougher style, belongs to a group of mosaics found in the house known as Menander's house on the Greek island of Lesbos. The writings on the panels in the house in Lesbos led to the change of the initial interpretation of the mosaic in Naples. Apart from the title of the comedy (which, although it is a possessive word, was in the accusative form of the noun found in Zeugma), there are the names of three female characters in the Lesbos mosaic: ΦІΛΑΙΝΙΣ (Philainis), ΠΛΑΓΜΑΓΩΝ (Plagnaigon) and ΠΥΕΙΑΣ (Pyeias). 
Comparison – Lesbos and Pompeii
The main scenes of these three mosaics are very similar to each other. In all of them, three women are seated in front of a round table. The bowls bring to mind the theme of food. In fact, details of the solium linked to the character of the old woman are present in the house where the Menander mosaic was unearthed. However, there is a difference that should be noted; While the panel found in Zeugma shows two young servants, the others show a boy who is likely to be a servant. Either the mosaic designers used different versions of the comedy, or there was a lack of space in the smaller panels. As in the house of Menander and the house in Pompeii, three women wear theatrical masks. However, these masks do not coarsen the face shape; On the contrary, facial details are extremely exaggerated, and the mosaic designer used the same color range for each woman's mask and tunic. All these elements give the painting a sense of naturalness and nobility that is absent from the distorted facial expressions of the women in the panels in Menander's house and the house in Pompeii. If the two young girls are not wearing masks, this is undoubtedly because mutes do not use masks in Greek comedies. Menander's comedies are a very popular theme in classical iconography in Anatolia and inspired a fresco on the Euphrates. 
'Made by Zosimos'
We learn the name of the creator of the mosaic from a second text below the main panel: ΖΩΣΙΜΟΣ ΕΠΟΙΕΙwell 'Made by Zosimos'. The same artist also wrote his name on the Aphrodite mosaic in another house in Zeugma. As a result of more comprehensive research, we will have the opportunity to compare painting styles and make more detailed comments.Source:Aurelia Masson (Archaeologist-PHI)

Mosaic Work

This mosaic was unearthed in the villa in trench number 6 by a French team under the direction of French archaeologist Catherine Abadie-Reynal. The mosaic was found in the triclinium, or dining room, of a richly decorated house. This piece is of very high quality and is in near-perfect condition.

Belkıs/Zeugma Ancient City is located on the banks of the Euphrates River within the borders of Belkıs Village, Nizip District, Gaziantep Province. Built on approximately 20 thousand acres of land…